

  • Nakamura M, Ikezu H, Sato S, Yahata K, Kiyono R, Yoshida R, Takeuchi K, Nunes JP. Effects of Adding Inter-Set Static Stretching to Flywheel Resistance Training on Flexibility, Muscular Strength, and Regional Hypertrophy in Young Men. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2021. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18073770.
  • Nakamura M, Sato S, Sanuki F, Murakami Y, Kiyono R, Yahata K, Yoshida R, Fukaya T, Takeuchi K. Effects of hot pack application prior to high-intensity stretching on quadriceps muscle. Int J Ther Rehabil, 2021.
  • Nakamura M, Konrad A, Kiyono R, Sato S, Yahata K, Yoshida R, Yasaka K, Murakami Y, Sanuki F, Wilke J. Local and nonlocal effects of foam rolling on passive soft tissue properties and spinal excitability. Front Physiol, 2021. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2021.702042.
  • Sato S, Yoshida R, Kiyono R, Yahata K, Yasaka K, Nosaka K, Nakamura M. Cross-education and detraining effects of eccentric vs concentric resistance training of the elbow flexors. BMC Sports Sci Med Rehabil, 2021. doi: 10.1186/s13102-021-00298-w
  • Nakamura M, Konrad A, Kiyono R, Sato S, Yahata K, Yoshida R, Wilke J. Sex differences in the mechanical and neurophysiological response to roller massage of the plantar flexors. J Sport Sci & Med, 2021.
  • Nakamura M, Sato S, Kiyono R, Yoshida R, Yasaka K, Yahata K, Konrad A. Comparison between foam rolling with and without vibration on passive and active plantar flexor muscle properties. J Strength Cond Res, 2021. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000004123
  • Sato S, Yoshida R, Kiyono R, Yahata K, Yasaka K, Nunes JP, Nosaka K, Nakamura M. Elbow joint angles in elbow flexor unilateral resistance exercise training determine its effects on muscle strength and thickness of trained and non-trained arms. Front Physiol, 2021. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2021.734509.
  • Nakamura M, Sato S, Kiyono R, Yoshida R, Murakami Y, Yasaka K, Yahata K, Konrad A. Acute effect of vibration roller with and without rolling on various parts of the plantar flexor muscle. Front Physiol, 2021. doi: doi: 10.3389/fphys.2021.716668.
  • Nakamura M, Sato S, Kiyono R, Yahata K, Yoshida R, Fukaya T, Nishishita S, Konrad A. Relationship between changes in passive properties and muscle strength after static stretching. J Bodyw Mov Ther, 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2021.09.012.
  • Nakamura M, Yoshida R, Sato S, Yahata K, Murakami Y, Kasahara K, Fukaya T, Takeuchi K, Nunes JP, Konrad A. Comparison between high-and normal-intensity static stretching training on active and passive properties of plantar flexors. Front Physiol, 2021. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2021.796497
  • Nakamura M, Yoshida R, Sato S, Yahata K, Murakami Y, Kasahara K, Fukaya T, Takeuchi K, Nunes JP, Konrad A. Cross-education effect of 4-week high- or low-intensity static stretching intervention programs on passive properties of plantar flexors. J Biomech, 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2022.110958.
  • Kasahara K, Yoshida R, Yahata K, Sato S, Murakami Y, Aizawa K, Konrad A, Nakamura M. Comparison of the Acute Effects of Foam Rolling with High and Low Vibration Frequencies on Eccentrically Damaged Muscle. J Sports Sci Med., 2022.
  • Sato S, Yoshida R, Murakoshi F, Sasaki Y, Yahata K, Nosaka K, Nakamura M. Effect of daily 3-s maximum voluntary isometric, concentric or eccentric contraction on elbow flexor strength. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 2022.
  • Nakamura M, Kasahara K, Yoshida R, Yahata K, Sato S, Murakami Y, Aizawa K, Konrad A. The Effect of Static Compression via Vibration Foam Rolling on Eccentrically Damaged Muscle. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2022.
  • Nakamura M, Konrad A, Kasahara K, Yoshida R, Murakami Y, Sato S, Aizawa K, Koizumi K, Wilke J. The combined effect of static stretching and foam rolling with or without vibration on the range of motion, muscle performance, and tissue hardness of the knee extensor. J Strength Cond Res, 2022.
  • 相馬俊雄. 転倒予防のための杖の機能と効果. 地域ケアリング, 2021.
  • 相馬俊雄. 体幹ベルト付下肢装具歩行の身体動揺と下肢への荷重効果. 地域ケアリング, 2021.
  • 相馬俊雄. 福祉・医療の現場から 脳卒中片麻痺者に対する杖の機能と効果. 地域ケアリング, 2021.
  • 相馬俊雄. 福祉・医療の現場から 脳卒中片麻痺者の歩行能力を向上させる体幹ベルト付下肢装具. 地域ケアリング, 2021.



  • Kanda M, Kitamura T, Sato N. Cervicothoracic spinal alignment and neck flexor muscle endurance in young and older adult females with and without neck and shoulder pain (Katakori in Japanese). Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 2021. 33, 6, 489-494
  • Shimoura K, Nishida Y, Abiko S, Suzuki Y, Zeidan H, Kajiwara Y, Harada K, Tatsumi M, Nakai K, Bito T, Yoshimi S, Kawabe R, Yokota J, Aoyama T. Immediate effect of neuromuscular electrical stimulation on the abductor hallucis muscle: A randomized controlled trial. Electromagnetic biology and medicine. 2020. 39, 4, 257-261
  • Tashiro Y, Suzuki Y, Nakayama Y, Sonoda T, Yokota Y, Kawagoe M, Tsuboyama T, Aoyama T. The effect of Capacitive and Resistive electric transfer on non-specific chronic low back pain. Electromagnetic biology and medicine. 2020. 39, 4, 437-444
  • Tashiro Y, Nishida Y, Yamaoka A, Suzuki Y, Horii T, Arai H, Yamaguchi Y, Wada N, Yokota I, Aoyama T. Validation of the Developed Eating Activities Questionnaire in Working People with Disabilities: A Cross-Sectional Study. Asian Journal of Occupational Therapy. 2020. 16, 1, 87-93
  • 神田賢,北村拓也,佐藤成登志,鈴木祐介,渡邉慶,久保雅義.異なる座位姿勢における腰部多裂筋の血液循環動態の経時的変化について.Journal of Spine Research. 2020. 11, 6, 902-907
  • 神田賢,北村拓也,佐藤成登志,古西勇,鈴木祐介,渡辺慶,久保雅義.若年女性の慢性肩こり有訴が頚部に影響を及ぼす因子.理学療法科学.2020. 35, 4, 483-487
  • 神田賢,北村拓也,佐藤成登志.座位体幹伸展動作が腰部多裂筋の血液循環動態に及ぼす影響.地域ケアリング10.2020. 22, 11, 72-76
  • 神田賢,北村拓也,佐藤成登志.異なる座位姿勢が腰部多裂筋の血液循環動態に及ぼす影響-腰痛の有無での比較.地域ケアリング1.2021. 23, 1, 77-81
  • 佐藤成登志.地域高齢者に対する介護予防と健康寿命延伸への課題と取り組み.新潟医療福祉会誌.2020. 20, 3, 69-74
  • 神田賢,北村拓也,鈴木祐介,渡邉慶,佐藤成登志.異なる座位姿勢における腰部多裂筋の組織血液循環動態の経時的変化‐腰痛の有無での比較‐Journal of Spine Research. 2021. 12, 6, 851-858
  • 北村拓也,神田賢,佐藤成登志,渡辺慶.慢性腰痛を有する高齢脊柱変形患者に対する運動療法効果.Journal of Spine Research. 2020. 11, 6, 923-930
  • 若菜翔哉,北村拓也,神田賢,佐藤成登志.若年者および高齢者女性における体幹筋と大腰筋の筋厚および筋輝度の比較.理学療法科学.2020. 35, 2, 245-249


  • Fukaya T, Nakamura M, Sato S, Kiyono R, Yahata K, Inaba K, Nishishita S, Onishi H. Influence of stress relaxation and load during static stretching on the range of motion and muscle-tendon passive stiffness. Sport Sci Health. in press
  • Nakamura M, Yahata K, Sato S, Kiyono R, Yoshida R, Fukaya T, Nunes JP, Konrad A. Training and detraining effects following a static stretching program on medial gastrocnemius passive properties. Front Physiol. 2021 1;12:656579.
  • Nakamura M, Sato S, Kiyono R, Yahata K, Yoshida R, Fukaya T, Nishishita S, Konrad A. Association between the range of motion and passive property of the gastrocnemius muscle-tendon unit in older population. Healthcare. 2021 12;9(3):314.
  • Nakamura M, Sato S, Kiyono R, Yahata K, Yoshida R, Fukaya T, Konrad A. Comparison of the Acute Effects of Hold-Relax and Static Stretching among Older Adults. Biology (Basel). 2021, 10(2), 126
  • Nakamura M, Kiyono R, Sato S, Yahata K, Fukaya T, Nishishita S, Konrad A. The associations between rapid strength development and muscle stiffness in older population. Healthcare. 2021, 9(1), 80
  • Yahata K, Konrad A, Sato S, Kiyono R, Yoshida R, Fukaya T, Nunes JP, Nakamura M. Effects of a high-volume static stretching programme on plantarflexor muscle strength and architecture. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2021; 121(4):1159-1166
  • Nakamura M, Yasaka K, Kiyono R, Onuma R, Yahata K, Sato S, Konrad A. The Acute Effect of Foam Rolling on Eccentrically Induced Muscle Damage. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Dec 24;18(1):E75.
  • Nakamura M, Sato S, Murakami Y, Kiyono R, Yahata K, Sanuki F, Yoshida R, Fukaya T, Takeuchi K. The comparison of different stretching intensities on the range of motion and muscle stiffness of the quadriceps muscles. Front Physiol. 2021 13;11:628870.
  • Nakamura M, Onuma R, Kiyono R, Yasaka K, Sato S, Yahata K, Fukaya T, Konrad A. The acute and prolonged effects of different durations of foam rolling on range of motion, muscle stiffness, and muscle strength. J Sport Sci & Med. (2021) 20, 62-68.
  • Fukaya T, Kiyono R, Sato S, Yahata K, Yasaka K, Onuma R, Nakamura M. Effects of static stretching with high intensity and short duration or low intensity and long duration on range of motion and muscle stiffness. Front Physiol. 2020. 11:601912
  • Fukaya T, Nakamura M, Sato S, Kiyono R, Yahata K, Inaba K, Nishishita S, Onishi H. The Relationship between Stretching Intensity and Changes in Passive Properties of Gastrocnemius Muscle-Tendon Unit after Static stretching. Sports (Basel). 2020 23;8(11):140.
  • Kiyono R, Sato S, Inaba K, Yahata K, Nakamura M. Time course of changes in range of motion, muscle shear elastic modulus, spinal excitability, and muscle temperature during superficial icing. Sport Sci Health 2021, 17, 341-346
  • Nakamura M, Kiyono R, Sato S, Yahata K, Morishita S. One-repetition maximum can be estimated with a handheld dynamometer and circumference in community-dwelling older adults. J Phys Ther Sci. 2020;32(10):669-673.
  • Kiyono R, Onuma R, Yasaka K, Sato S, Yahata K, Nakamura M. Effects of 5-weeks foam rolling intervention on range of motion and muscle stiffness. J Strength Cond Res. In press
  • Sato S, Hiraizumi K, Kiyono R, Fukaya T, Nishishita S, Nunes JP, Nakamura M. The effects of static stretching programs on muscle strength and muscle architecture of the medial gastrocnemius. PLoS One. 2020; 15(7): e0235679.
  • Nakamura M. Kiyono R, Sato S, Sutoh S. Yahata K, Morishita S. Estimating training intensity for low-intensity resistance training using surface electromyography. Gazz Med Ital - Arch Sci Med. In press
  • Konrad A, Mocnik R, Titze S, Nakamura M, Tilp M. The Influence of Stretching the Hip Flexor Muscles on Performance Parameters. A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021, 18, 1936.
  • Konrad A, Mocnik R, Nakamura M, Sudi K and Tilp M. The Impact of a Single Stretching Session on Running Performance and Running Economy: A Scoping Review. Front Physiol. 11:612967
  • Takeuchi K, Takeumura M, Nakamura M, Tsukuda F, Miyakawa S. The effects of using a combination of static stretching and aerobic exercise on muscle tendon unit stiffness and strength in ankle plantar-flexor muscles. Eur J Sport Sci. 2021. 18;1-7.
  • Yoshimura M, Hojo T, Yamamoto H, Tachibana M, Nakamura M, Fukuoka Y. Effects of artificial CO2 rich cold water immersion on repeated-cycling work efficiency. Res Sports Med. 2020 10:1-12.
  • Umehara J, Nakamura M, Saeki J, Tanaka H, Yanase K, Fujita K, Yamagata M, Ichihashi N. Acute and prolonged effects of stretching on shear modulus of the pectoralis minor muscle. J Sport Sci & Med. (2021) 20, 17-25.
  • Takeuchi K, Nakamura M. Influence of aerobic exercise after static stretching on flexibility and strength in plantar flexor muscles
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  • Takeuchi K, Nakamura M. The optimal duration of high-intensity static stretching in hamstrings. PLoS One 2;15(10):e0240181.
  • Nunes JP, Jacinto JL, Ribeiro AS, Mayhew JL, Nakamura M, Capel DMG, Santos LR, Santos L, Cyrino ES, Aguiar AF. Placing Greater Torque at Shorter or Longer Muscle Lengths? Effects of Cable vs. Barbell Preacher Curl Training on Muscular Strength and Hypertrophy in young adults. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 13;17(16):5859.
  • Yoshimura M, Hojo T, Yamamoto H, Tachibana M, Nakamura M, Tsutsumi H, Fukuoka Y. Application of carbon dioxide to the skin and muscle oxygenation of human lower-limb muscle sites during cold water immersion. PeerJ. 21;8:e9785.
  • Takeuchi K, Nakamura M. Influence of high intensity 20-second static stretching on the flexibility and strength of hamstrings. J Sports Sci Med. 2020, 19, 429-435
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  • 渡部朱織,相馬俊雄.スクワット動作における足部荷重位置の違いが下肢関節モーメントおよび下肢筋活動量に及ぼす影響.石川県理学療法学雑誌.2021. 20, 1
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  • Kanako Shimoura, Yasuaki Nakayama, Yuto Tashiro, Takayuki Hotta, Yusuke Suzuki, Seishiro Tasaka, Tomofumi Matsushita , Keisuke Matsubara, Mirei Kawagoe, Takuya Sonoda, Yuki Yokota, Tomoki Aoyama. Association Between the Functional Movement Screen Scores and Injuries in Male College Basketball Players. J Sport Rehabil. 2019 May 16;1-19.
  • Junpei Yokota, Naoto Fukutani, Kazuko Nin, Hiroe Yamanaka, Makoto Yasuda, Yuto Tashiro, Tomofumi Matsushita, Yusuke Suzuki, Isao Yokota, Satoshi Teramukai, Tomoki Aoyama. Association of Low Back Pain With Presenteeism in Hospital Nursing Staff. J Occup Health. 2019 May;61(3):219-226.
  • Hirotaka Iijima, Yusuke Suzuki, Tomoki Aoyama, Masaki Takahashi. Relationship Between Varus Thrust During Gait and Low Back Pain in People With Knee Osteoarthritis. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2019 Jun 29.
  • Yusuke Suzuki, Hirotaka Iijima, Kanako Shimoura, Tadao Tsuboyama, Tomoki Aoyama. Patients With Early-Stage Knee Osteoarthritis and Knee Pain Have Decreased Hip Abductor Muscle Strength While Descending Stairs. Clin Rheumatol. 2019 Aug;38(8):2249-2254.
  • Masataka Tatsumi, Egfrid Michael Mkoba, Yusuke Suzuki, Yuu Kajiwara, Hala Zeidan, Keiko Harada, Tsubasa Bitoh, Yuichi Nishida, Kengo Nakai, Kanako Shimoura, Tomoki Aoyama. Risk Factors of Low Back Pain and the Relationship With Sagittal Vertebral Alignment in Tanzania. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2019 Dec 4;20(1):584.
  • Yusuke Suzuki, Hirotaka Iijima, Tomoki Aoyama. Pain Catastrophizing Affects Stair Climbing Ability in Individuals With Knee Osteoarthritis. Clin Rheumatol. (in press)
  • Hala Zeidan, Eguchi Ryo, Yusuke Suzuki, Hirotaka Iijima, Yuu Kajiwara, Keiko Harada, Kengo Nakai, Kanako Shimoura, Koji Fujimoto, Masaki Takahashi, Tomoki Aoyama. Detailed Analysis of the Transverse Arch of Hallux Valgus Feet With and Without Pain Using Weightbearing Ultrasound Imaging and Precise Force Sensors. PLoS One. 2020 Jan 9;15(1)
  • Hirotaka Iijima, Mami Inoue, Yusuke Suzuki, Kanako Shimoura, Tomoki Aoyama, Katsuyuki Madoba, Masaki Takahashi. Contralateral Limb Effect on Gait Asymmetry and Ipsilateral Pain in a Patient With Knee Osteoarthritis: A Proof-of-Concept Case Report. JBJS Case Connect. Jan-Mar 2020;10(1)
  • Hirotaka Iijima, Ayanori Yorozu, Yusuke Suzuki, Ryo Eguchi, Tomoki Aoyama, Masaki Takahashi. Hip Abductor Muscle Weakness and Slowed Turning Motion in People With Knee Osteoarthritis. J Biomech. 2020 Mar 5;101:109652.
  • Tsubasa Bito, Yusuke Suzuki, Yuu Kajiwara, Hala Zeidan, Keiko Harada, Kanako Shimoura, Masataka Tatsumi, Kengo Nakai, Yuichi Nishida, Soyoka Yoshimi, Rika Kawabe, Junpei Yokota, Chiaki Yamashiro, Tadao Tsuboyama, Tomoki Aoyama. Effects of Deep Thermotherapy on Chest Wall Mobility of Healthy Elderly Women. Electromagn Biol Med. (in press)
  • Takuya Kitamura, Masaru Kanda, Naritoshi Sato, Kei Watanabe, Hideaki Onishi. The differences between hemiplegic patients and healthy subjects in trunk muscles. Niigata Journal of Health and Welfare, 2019;19:37-44
  • Takuya Kitamura, Masaru Kanda, Naritoshi Sato, Kei Watanabe, Hideaki Onishi. Factors related to quality of life of patients with adult spinal deformity and chronic low back pain. Niigata Journal of Health and Welfare, 2019;19:155-162


  • 佐藤成登志,神田賢,北村拓也,渡辺慶,山本智章.高齢者脊柱変形に対する運動療法.ペインクリニック.2019;40(2):194-202.
  • 井出愛実,神田賢,北村拓也,古西勇,高野義隆,立石学,佐藤成登志.若年女性における腹横筋収縮が骨盤底筋と腹横筋におよぼす影響-超音波画像診断装置を用いた検討-.理学療法新潟.2019;22:3-8.
  • 神田賢, 北村拓也, 金子千恵, 井出愛実, 古西勇, 渡辺慶, 佐藤成登志.地域在住高齢者女性の慢性肩こり有訴に影響を及ぼす因子 - 「本態性肩こり」における頸胸椎アライメント, 頸部屈筋群持久力, 頸部機能に着目して -.理学療法学.2019;46(6):407-416.
  • 神田賢,北村拓也,佐藤成登志鈴木祐介,渡辺慶,久保正義.異なる座位姿勢における腰部多裂筋の血液循環動態の経時的変化について.Journal of Spine Research. (in press)
  • 神田賢,北村拓也,佐藤成登志古西勇鈴木祐介,渡辺慶,久保正義.若年女性の慢性肩こり有訴が頚部に影響を及ぼす因子―「本態性肩こり」における頚部屈伸筋群の持久力,最大筋力および頚部機能に着目して―.理学療法科学. (in press)
  • 北村拓也,神田賢佐藤成登志,渡辺慶.慢性腰痛を有する高齢脊柱変形患者に対する運動療法効果.Journal of Spine Research. (in press)
  • 若菜翔哉,北村拓也,神田賢佐藤成登志. 若年者および高齢者女性における体幹筋と大腰筋の筋厚および筋輝度の比較.理学療法科学.2020;35(2):245-249
  • 金子巧,遠藤伸子,高橋和基,諏佐貴大,立石学,佐藤成登志神田賢,﨑村陽子.当院回復期脳卒中患者における短下肢装具の作成時期と病棟ADLの関係.理学療法新潟.2020;23:9-16.



  • Okamura T, Hayashi A, Matsuo S, Shinoda K, Konishi I, Makio H, Tsuji M. Prevention of falls in the elderly dementia trial: a quasi-experimental study. Journal of Human Ergology. 2018; 47(1): 37-41.
  • Konishi I, Cunanan CC. Use of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health core set for stroke in evaluating a community-based rehabilitation program among rural Filipino persons with disabilities. The College of Allied Medical Professions Journal (a research publication of Angeles University Foundation, Philippines), 2018; 5: 83-87.
  • Takahashi A, Kitamura K, Watanabe Y, Kobayashi R, Saito T, Takachi R, Kabasawa K, Oshiki R, Tsugane S, Iki M, Sasaki A, Yamazaki O, Nakamura K. Epidemiologic profiles of chronic low back and knee pain in middle-aged and elderly Japanese from the Murakami Cohort. J Pain Res. 2018 Dec 12;11:3161-3169.
  • Nakamura K, Takachi R, Kitamura K, Saito T, Kobayashi R, Oshiki R, Watanabe Y, Kabasawa K, Takahashi A, Tsugane S, Iki M, Sasaki A, Yamazaki O. The Murakami Cohort Study of vitamin D for the prevention of musculoskeletal and other age-related diseases: a study protocol. Environ Health Prev Med. 2018;23(1):28.
  • 神田賢,北村拓也,多田葉月,金子巧,井出愛実,郷津良太,古西勇佐藤成登志.青年期女性における頚胸椎アライメントと頸部屈筋群持久力との関連性.理学療法新潟.2018;21:19-24.
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  • 佐藤成登志神田賢,北村拓也,渡辺慶,山本智章.高齢者脊柱変形に対する運動療法.ペインクリニック.2019;40(2):194-202.
  • 井出愛実神田賢,北村拓也,古西勇,高野義隆,立石学,佐藤成登志.:若年女性における腹横筋収縮が骨盤底筋と腹横筋におよぼす影響-超音波画像診断装置を用いた検討-.理学療法新潟.2019;22:3-8.
  • 脇野俊貴, 小林量作.カーフレイズにおける上肢支持量,足関節角度が下腿三頭筋活動量に与える影響,総合リハ,2019;47(2):155-160.
  • Masaki M, Ikezoe T, Kamiya M, Araki K, Isono R, Kato T, Kusano K, Tanaka M, Sato S, Hirono T, Kita K, Tsuboyama T, Ichihashi N. Association of activities of daily living with the load during step ascent motion in nursing home-residing elderly individuals. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2018; 97: 715-720.
  • Masaki M, Tateuchi H, Koyama Y, Sakuma K, Otsuka N, Ichihashi N. Back muscle activity and sagittal spinal alignment during quadruped upper and lower extremity lift in young men with low back pain history. Gait Posture. 2018; 66: 221-227.
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  • 神田賢佐藤成登志,北村拓也,多田葉月.脊柱変形のある高齢者への腰部筋持久力テストの検討(査読中).日本運動器疼痛学会誌
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